Galicia Destino Sostible

Starlight Route on the Ria de Vigo

We suggest a very special route: the starlight route in the Ria de Vigo aboard a traditional boat.

Thanks to its spacious deck, you’ll be able to enjoy the sunset and the sky from the ria in the best way possible.
A guide specialising in astronomy from the company Alecrín Actividades y Aventuras will explain the fascinating world of the stars and their constellations. There are so many interesting facts that will surprise you. A journey to discover the sea and the sky with a twist.

We’ll head to the north of the ria to find the lowest light pollution possible. From there we’ll tell you all about the starry sky, and the number of people on board is limited to ensure you feel comfortable and have the best experience possible. An authentic starlight experience in the middle of the Ria de Vigo.

A minimum of eight people is needed for the activity.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 95 €
12 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Mínimo 8 personas

Booking: También pueden adquirir este producto en su agencia minorista habitual