Galicia Destino Sostible

Visit Cíes by Sailing Boat with a Guide and Food on Board

The sailing boat trip to the Cíes Islands from Vigo is one of our star activities at Bluscus. We can guarantee you’ll have a unique experience in an unbeatable setting. We recommend you close your eyes and just listen to the sea. Yes, we’re feeling sentimental, but take note and try it. It’s a marvellous sensation that will take you far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. You should always follow the captain’s advice, as he will be the authority on the prevailing winds in the ria.

On the island you’ll discover beautiful spots and idyllic beaches, like the famous Rodas beach, or the beaches of Nosa Señora or Figueiras (also known as the Germans’ beach), perfect for relaxing. Its cold waters will put more than one of you off swimming, but we also recommend this thermal impact to reactivate circulation and keep you cool.

For all these reasons and thanks to their great submarine wealth, the Cíes Islands are the jewel in the crown of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park.

On the island you can go on several routes accompanied by an accredited national park guide from the company Alecrín Actividades y Aventuras.

Route to the highest lighthouse in Galicia: you’ll be able to contemplate spectacular views of the ocean and the islands.
Alto dos Príncipes route: a short, easy trail. This route takes you past Figueiras beach, the Cíes nudist beach. At the end of the hike you’ll be able to take a photo of the ‘Silla de la Reina’, rock formations shaped by erosion into the form of a queen’s throne.
A Porta lighthouse route: the least known lighthouse of the Cíes Islands but impressive because of its bright colours and location.
Monte Agudo route: the shadiest route as you’ll be crossing through some woodland on the island. You will be rewarded with an idyllic view of the archipelago and the Morrazo peninsula.
You’ll be accompanied at all times by an accredited National Park guide.

Off-season, we also recommend a walk along the Rodas beach. There must be a reason why in 2007, the British newspaper The Guardian rated the Rodas beach as the best in the world! Not something to be attempted in August; it’s usually very busy. One advantage of going during the summer is that you can sign up at the information booth for some of the routes offered by the National Park guides.

They all have a level suited to people of all ages. The only thing you need to be careful about is strong sun.

A gentle sail back will complete your idyllic day. With your family or friends, the sailing boat ride to the Cíes Islands from Vigo is guaranteed to be a hit.
Sailing boat for eight people

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 800 €
16 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Velero para 8 personas

Booking: También pueden adquirir este producto en su agencia minorista habitual