Galicia Destino Sostible

Tour through the Land of Apples

A Estrada is renowned for its apple production, especially for cider manufacturing. Spring and autumn are ideal times of the year for groups to tour the areas around Callobre, observing orchards filled with different varieties of apple trees.
During these walks, you will also get the chance to see unique trees such as the Valiñas oak tree. To top off the day, there will be a group gathering featuring ecologically-produced Galician cider paired with a selection of Arzúa-Ulloa cheese.
On Sunday morning, there will also be time for a tour along the Ulla riverbank, exploring interesting areas such as the bridges over the river Ulla or the Ximonde fishing preserve.
This activity is designed for groups of 2 to 18 people. Transportation is available as an option for the group if desired. It includes an overnight stay in a country guesthouse on a bed and breakfast basis, as well as a guided tour, and a tasting of Galician cheese and cider.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 65 €
18 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Actividade prevista para un grupo entre 2 e 18 persoas Opcionalmente poderase contratar medio de transporte para desprazar ao grupo. Inclúe unha noite na casa de Turismo rural en réxime AD, visita guiada e degustación de taboa de queixos e sidra galega.


Reservas: contacto directo (tlf ou mail) co establecemento