Miniatura A Breath of Fresh Air in the Summer

A Breath of Fresh Air in the Summer

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Miniatura ‘Romasanta’ Tasting Menu Gift Box

‘Romasanta’ Tasting Menu Gift Box

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Miniatura Yoga and Mindfulness on a Sailing Boat

Yoga and Mindfulness on a Sailing Boat

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Miniatura Discover Pontedeume, a Mediaeval Village

Discover Pontedeume, a Mediaeval Village

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Miniatura Sponsor a Grape Variety and Take Part in the Grape Harvest of Albarari

Sponsor a Grape Variety and Take Part in the Grape Harvest of Albarari

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Miniatura **Night of Stars** Astronomical Observations in Panoramic Bubble

**Night of Stars** Astronomical Observations in Panoramic Bubble

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Our sustainable destination model

Sustainability is a quality that must be applied, comprehensively and from a global vision, to development models so that they take into account the environmental, economic and social repercussions, both present and future, in such a way that they favor some without compromising to the others.

Sustainable tourism is one that:

  1. gives optimal use to natural resources, contributing to the conservation of bio and geodiversity;
  2. regards the sociocultural identity of the local population, valuing and protecting their heritage and traditions, and enabling local communities to take part in two governance processes;
  3. guarantee viable long-term economic activities, adequately distributing economic benefits, returning income and services to the local population, creating stable and inclusive employment and reducing poverty.

Our figures

0 Accommodations

0 Gastronomy

1 Travel agencies

0 Companies providing tourist activities and experiences

Companies attached

50 accommodations

11 of gastronomy

50 travel agencies

41 companies providing tourist activities and experiences

Sustainable tourism experiences

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