Galicia Destino Sostible

‘Romasanta’ Tasting Menu Gift Box

A concept inspired by the ocean and vegetable gardens – two defining pillars of Galician cuisine.
Our most comprehensive tasting menu predominantly features seafood and fish dishes, such as our dishes ‘O Rei dos Xívaros’, ‘La cigala’, and ‘La higuera en caldeirada’. It consists of three starters, nine main dishes, and three desserts. The vegetable essence is captured in the dish ‘Huerto Camiño da Serpe’, where aromas and textures converge in our fermented tomato water, with leaves, and both wild and cultivated flowers, all complemented by a dressing of beetroot, sage, chervil, and tarragon.
Home delivery with gift box: €15,00. Shipping details will be provided during checkout.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 220 €
1 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Envío a domicilio con caja regalo: 15,00€ Las opciones de envío se actualizarán durante el pago.
