Galicia Destino Sostible

Traditional Costa da Morte

Two-night package including:
– Accommodation at Parador Costa da Morte in double room, breakfast included.
– Shellfishing experience. Accompanied by the women shellfish gatherers, we’ll discover the ins and outs of this profession, which is of vital importance to the area’s economy. They’ll tell us all about their hard work and the importance of sustainability. At the end, we’ll sample cockles from Camariñas.
– Lunch in local restaurant consisting of ‘caldeirada de pescado’, a traditional fish stew.
– Seafaring culture visit. We’ll go a journey round the conger eel drying racks still conserved in the Costa da Morte, and which were once the driving force behind the economy, and we’ll also visit the most important canning and salting factories.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 330 €
4 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Precio por persona válido para un mínimo de 4

Booking: También pueden adquirir este producto en su agencia minorista habitual