Galicia Destino Sostible

Tasting in our Local Area

Gift passport for you to enjoy a tasting menu based on local culture, history and products. Reinterpreting classic dishes from Galician gastronomy or suggesting new ways of preparing local produce.
A gastronomic and historical journey through 18 snacks based on the best local produce. We work with seals that endorse our practices such as Peixe da Lonxa da Coruña and Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle Certified.
You’ll receive a passport you can redeem any day of the week and which is valid for three months.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 90 €
1 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Recibirá un pasaporte que podrá canjear para disfrutar cualquier día de la semana, con caducidad de tres meses
