Galicia Destino Sostible


The Costa da Morte is located on the northwest coast of Galicia, with privileged natural surroundings, full of deserted beaches, inlets, cliffs and headlands that jut into a wild ocean of choppy waters. Its towns welcome you to take a leisurely stroll and get to know the local people and culture, so deeply rooted and close to the sea and marked by its status as the western edge of Europe.
Day 1: Origin – Galicia:
Departure from origin by customer to Hotel Carlos I Silgar. Arrival at the hotel, dinner and accommodation.
Day 2:
Costa da Morte: breakfast. Depart to Costa da Morte. Accompanied by our guide we’ll begin by getting to know Camariñas, a fishing town par excellence, known for its bobbin lace and natural and environmental wealth – examples of which include the Cabo Vilán lighthouse, one of the most iconic in Galicia, and site of the Vilán lighthouse museum and the Interpretation Centre for shipwrecks, lighthouses and maritime signals (entrance fee included); and the Lace Museum (entrance fee included). We’ll continue to Muxía, located in an impressive landscape with its port, simple stone houses in the purest seafaring style and the sanctuary of the Virgen de la Barca. Then we’ll reach Ézaro, a small town on the Galician coast that hides a great secret and tremendous natural beauty, the Ézaro waterfall, where the Xallas flows into the sea in the form of a cascade, the only river in Europe to do so. Lunch at the Hotel O Semáforo restaurant in Fisterra. In the afternoon we’ll visit Fisterra, considered the End of the World. We’ll start with its mythical lighthouse, the most important guide for sailors approaching the rugged Galician coast and from where you can admire the immensity of the Atlantic Ocean. Then we’ll visit the charming fishing town with its remarkable Santa María das Areas church, the Nosa Señora do Bo Suceso chapel, and the San Carlos castle, which houses the Museum of the Sea (entrance fee included). Back to the hotel, dinner and accommodation.
Day 3: Hotel Carlos I Silgar- origin:

We’ll end the trip with a full breakfast at the hotel. End of our services.

CONDITIONS: Price per person from €119 in a double room, two nights’ accommodation, two breakfasts and two dinners at the hotel. Includes transfer to the Costa da Morte, coach whole day and food in a restaurant. The published prices are not valid weekends, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Easter, carnivals, fairs, congresses, national and/or local holidays, or any other special events. Check surcharges. Offer valid from 11/01/2022 to 12/31/2023. Book by e-mail

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 150 €
12 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

CONDICIONES Precio por persona desde 119 € en habitación doble, 2 noches de alojamiento, 2 desayunos y 2 cenas en el hotel. Incluye traslado a la Costa da Morte, autocar durante toda la visita el día y comida en restaurante Los precios publicados no son válidos Fines de Semana, Navidad, Fin de año, Semana Santa, carnavales, ferias, congresos, fiestas nacionales y/o locales, puentes ni ningún otro evento especial. Consulta suplemento. Oferta válida desde el 01/11/2022 al 31/12/2023 Reservar en el correo


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