Galicia Destino Sostible

Ecotourism in As Mariñas Coruñesas

Very close to A Coruña, we can find the first certified ecotourism destination in Galicia: As Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve. This spectacular landscape is the perfect example of typical rural Galician scenery, with a rich cultural heritage (hillforts, pazos, monasteries, mediaeval fortresses, Roman roads), natural heritage (centuries-old native forests, coastal areas, rias, etc.), not to forget gastronomic heritage.
We’ll divide this day-long activity into three parts:
– Morning: depart from the river Miño on the electric catamaran belonging to our partners A2 Velas towards Betanzos, stopping en route a few times to explore some places that can only be reached by sea. For example, crossing the Ponte do Porco bridges or going into caves with incredibly crystal-clear water.
Then we’ll continue on our journey to Betanzos, going right up the river Mandeo. There we’ll stop (if you so wish) to walk around the streets of this historical Galician village.
Finally, we’ll go back to our starting point on the Miño to pick up our cars and try the local cuisine.
– Lunch: we suggest an unforgettable restaurant with the best local products: Restaurante Curricán in Sada.
– Afternoon: with our stomachs full of tasty food to liven up the afternoon, we head to A Coruña. There we’ll explore one of the city’s most interesting museums, the MEGA. A novel way of visiting the museum, with the chance to try local sausages paired with beer.

We would be delighted to make your day a special moment.
Price includes trip on electric boat (lasting around two and a half hours), food, entrance tickets to the MEGA museum, travel insurance, basic assistance and medical care. Prices per person. VAT included.
Please call us at 644 98 38 28
Visit our website for more information:

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 109 €
6 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

El precio incluye ruta en barco eléctrico (duración aproximada 2:30 h), comida, entradas a MEGA, seguro de viaje, asistencia básica y médico. Precios indicados por persona. IVA incluido.


Puedes llamarnos al 644 98 38 28 Entra en nuestra web para más información: