Galicia Destino Sostible


– Arrival at Finca Míllara, where you will be greeted by the oenologist, who will guide you through the vineyards so you can learn about the origin and wine-making process. To ensure the finest grape quality, the vineyard land – spanning 210,000 m2 – is cultivated as our ancestors did: manually, using plows, and without herbicides.
– Enjoy a guided tasting of the most unique and limited-edition wines in the winery’s culinary space. This location is a semi-buried structure of mediaeval origin, harmoniously integrated with the vineyards and offering spectacular views.
Around 12:00 p.m.
– Descend on foot or by car to Finca Míllara’s private dock, where a Quinta Sacra inflatable boat will be waiting for you.
– Embark on a river journey past vineyards, woods, and Romanesque churches: Santo Estevo de Chouzán, Santo Estevo de Atán, San Xoán da Cova, San Martiño da Cova, and Santa María de Nogueira (our own Sistine Chapel), which we will visit later.
– During our nautical voyage, witness the hidden Augacaída waterfall (Marce, Pantón), tucked in a forest of chestnut, oak, and cork oak trees draped with ferns. This majestic waterfall, standing forty metres high, spills over ancient rocks into a natural pool, inviting a refreshing swim.

– We will sail over the Castro de Marce and its ‘xacias’ (mythological creatures). A place surrounded by mystery and legends. Local traditions suggest the high promontory of the Miño was once home to mythical water beings.
– We will discover the bends of Penedo do Garabullo, the Pez backwater, as well as the island of Sernande.
– And we will reach the Winter Route (Belesar Village – Chantada), crossing over the Roman bridge that was submerged by the Os Peares reservoir, just like the remnants of the ancient church. A historic altarpiece crafted in 1744 was relocated to the new one, built on the right bank of the river.
– Around 1:30 p.m. we will disembark at Porto Sacro.
– Lunch at ‘A Taranxela’, Quinta Sacra’s winery by the river. We offer traditional and homemade dishes (all artisanal and ‘gourmet’): empanadas (Galician pies), Spanish omelette, cured meat, salads, etc. Additionally, we offer special dishes tailored to the client’s preferences: octopus, rice, barbecue, roast beef, lamb, and homemade chicken.
Our dessert menu features local sweets: almond or walnut cake, cheese cake, and apple tart.
We also serve the country cheese ‘Da Josefa’ – a journey into the past – as well as cheeses from Airas Moniz, including their blue cheese Savel – awarded as the best in Spain for 2020–2021 – which is crafted in Chantada. In homage to the druid or mediaeval tradition, we will perform a ‘queimada’ with its ‘conxuro’ (magic spell). This purifying ritual connects us with the Spiritus Mundi and evokes the mystical and ancient Galicia.
– Afterwards, you can decide between taking a ‘siesta’ (nap) or enjoying a swim from our dock (the water is usually warm, though many are sceptical until they feel it for themselves).
A Taranxela, a small paradise by the river Miño.
– Around 4:00 p.m. there is a visit to the church of Santa María de Nogueira, a Romanesque church from the late 12th century – possibly with earlier roots. Featuring a single nave, a triumphal arch, and a quadrangular chevet, it is positioned atop the legendary bend known as Cabo do Mundo.
Inside, beyond its Baroque altarpieces, one can admire striking Renaissance frescoes painted on a mix of lime and sand mortar. These were recently restored, earning the church its nickname: the Galician Sistine Chapel.
*This day at the Ribeira Sacra del Miño can also commence with the visit to Santa María de Nogueira, concluding later at Finca Míllara.
We can adjust the schedule to start at 10:00 a.m. Based on our experience, most people don’t feel up to much activity after having lunch, enjoying the ‘queimada’, going for a swim, taking a nap, etc.
Another option would be to incorporate the visit to Santo Estevo de Chouzán (which is a 10-minute walk) or to Santo Estevo de Atán (20 minutes on foot from the river) as part of the nautical route.

*Rates start at €20 per person, varying by group size and chosen package. Two-hour boat ride (for up to eight people) is €250. Lunch in winery, €50 per person.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 20 €
15 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

*Precios desde 20 eur. por persona dependiendo del num. de personas y la modalidad seleccionada. Paseo en barca de dos horas (hasta ocho personas), 250 €. Almuerzo en bodega, 50 € por persona.


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