Galicia Destino Sostible

A Sustainable Stay in the Countryside

In Callobre, home to the Torres de Moreda house, there is a farm that offers guided tours to learn about the care and breeding of free-ranging animals. Many children love this experience, as it is often the first time that they get the opportunity of petting a little chicken, or watching baby animals, from Celtic pigs to Scottish Highland cows, being nursed by their mothers.
This activity is designed for groups of 2 to 18 people. Transportation is available as an option for the group if desired. It includes an overnight stay in a country guesthouse on a bed-and-breakfast basis, as well as a guided tour of a sustainable animal farm. During the visit, participants will engage in daily animal care routines, and discover interesting facts about species such as Highland cows, sheep, donkeys, ponies, chickens, ducks, peacocks, and alpacas.
Direct bookings by calling or emailing the guesthouse.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 65 €
18 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Actividade prevista para un grupo entre 2 e 18 persoas Opcionalmente poderase contratar medio de transporte para desprazar ao grupo. Inclúe unha noite na casa de Turismo rural en réxime AD e visita guiada a granxa sostible de animais facendo tarefas cotidianas do seu coidado e curiosidades de especies como as vacas highland, ovellas, burros, ponis, galiñas, patos, pavos reales e alpacas.


Reservas directas no teléfono ou email do aloxamento