Galicia Destino Sostible

Sustainable Experiences at the Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park

At Abramar we are committed to providing you with unique experiences through sustainable and quality tourism, respecting the destination and its inhabitants. It is for this reason that we organise experiences with a genuine Galician essence, both for couples and small groups, across several days. With our utmost commitment, expertise, and affection for the region, we ensure you have a worry-free journey.

Enjoying Galicia’s largest protected area in a sustainable manner is a unique experience. We offer a tailor-made journey where you can connect with nature while simultaneously savouring the pure essence of Galicia through its cuisine, landscapes, and most significant sites aboard a sailboat, visiting three of the islands of the Galician Atlantic Islands National Park.
Included in the price are:
• Transfers to the different islands of the Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park (PNMTIAG)
• Accommodation, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners aboard a sailboat.
• A guided route across the islands with accredited guides.
We are committed to providing the most meticulous organisation 24/7, so your only concern is to fully enjoy the destination.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 4950 €
12 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Desde 4950€

Booking: También pueden adquirir este producto en su agencia minorista habitual