Galicia Destino Sostible

Initiation to Starlight Night Sky Observation – Astrotourism

Our location has unique places to contemplate the night sky in the best conditions and without light pollution, turning the starry sky into a cloak that wraps around you and inspires your dreams with its stories and legends. There is even a nearby Starlight Destination, the National Park, where the stars seem to shine even brighter.

An astronomical guide will explain all the marvels of the forgotten sky: they’ll show you how to find your way around, to locate the brightest stars, the constellations and their stories and all the magic that lies within that glittering sky.

An unforgettable night awaits you, don’t miss it!
Suitable for all ages.
Specialists: request information.
Activity depends on weather.
Booking required to assess the conditions of the night selected and the venue.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 35 €
30 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Necesario reserva para valorar las condiciones de la noche escogida y el lugar de realización
