Galicia Destino Sostible

Climbing Adventure with Scenic Views on Mount Galiñeiro (Gondomar)

Set within the unparalleled backdrop of the Ria de Vigo, shielded by the natural barrier of the Cíes Islands and Ons Islands (Atlantic Islands Natural Park), you will find our activity spot, Mount Galiñeiro. Its highest peak, standing at 709 m, is located in Gondomar. It is one of the tallest summits in the Rías Baixas and its pinnacle serves as a true vantage point overseeing the entire metropolitan area of Vigo, Val Miñor, and Val do Louro, as well as the infinite Atlantic Ocean.
Experiencing the mountain is a fun plan and it’s even better when it’s with your friends and colleagues, climbing and scrambling at each individual’s own pace.
Breathing in the mountain air, climbing like a cat or a goat, conquering fears, surpassing personal barriers, harnessing inner strength, pushing boundaries, and enjoying breathtaking views are undoubtedly a taste of what climbing involves.
This adventure includes specialised technicians/instructors and gear (helmet and harness). The outing lasts 4 hours. Minimum age to participate: 6 years old.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 30 €
20 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Incluye técnicos/monitores especialistas y material (casco y arnés) – Jornada de 4 horas de duración – Edad mínima para participar de 6 años.


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