Galicia Destino Sostible

Kayak to San Simón / Amongst Swallows

Do you want to discover impressive places in the most enjoyable way possible?
Come with us across the water to discover the secrets of Galicia: its nature (flora and fauna of the river Miño) with Kayaking Amongst Swallows, and the history of the island of San Simón and the flora and fauna of the inlet with kayaking to San Simón.

Kayaking to San Simón:
A place bursting with surprises.
Since prehistoric times, it has been used for different purposes: relaxation, lazaret, prison for political prisoners, orphanage, etc.
Haven’t you ever been? You simply must. Accompany us on board a unique voyage, where you’ll row, laugh, get wet and enjoy the best company with maximum safety guaranteed.
Departs from Cesantes (Redondela). Suitable for children aged 6 and older, accompanied by an adult at all times.

Visit includes:
-Self-bailing kayak
-Paddle and lifejacket
-Kayak instructor and specialised guide to the island
-Visit to the island of San Simón
-Insurance required
-Small group for a better quality visit

Kayaking Amongst Swallows:
Nature has much to show you, and what better than doing it while you cool down, splash around or play.
Relaxing and having fun at the same time is possible, as we’ll prove in this simple activity of approximately 3 km and crossing between two countries: Spain and Portugal.
We´ll have time to observe wildlife, see pesqueiras (structures used for lamprey fishing), get wet and relax while swallows fly around us, and we’ll leave the river feeling more alive than ever before.
Kites, ducks and a wealth of nature to discover in this sustainable active ecotourism activity.
Don’t miss out on this!
Visit includes:
-Self-bailing kayak
-Paddle and lifejacket
-Kayak instructor
-Insurance required
-Small group for a better quality visit

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 35 €
20 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Necesario reserva previa
