Galicia Destino Sostible

Yoga and Mindfulness on a Sailing Boat

Enjoy a unique and exclusive yoga experience: meditation and sailing for a small group of five to eight people.
It’s well known that yoga and meditation provide multiple physical and mental benefits. But if we also practise outdoors and surrounded by nature in a unique environment, the effects of these ancient tools will undoubtedly intensify exponentially.

It will be a day of disconnection and enjoyment in which we will practice mindfulness, yoga and conscious breathing. An opportunity to travel through our five senses in a special and conscious way, and to help us connect with the present and with ourselves.

The sessions will be accessible to all levels and you’ll be able to take home simple tools to help you let go of stress and reconnect when you need to again.

In order to connect body and mind in a progressive way, we’ll engage in several activities:
Throughout the crossing, and taking advantage of the benefits of the sea, we’ll practise conscious breathing or pranayama for a few minutes, followed by a mindfulness meditation (approximately 25 m).
Afterwards, on land, we’ll practise yoga flow for 75 minutes on a quiet jetty, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with enough space to enjoy our asana session.

– Welcome on board and outline of sailing route.
– The voyage to San Simón begins, and we’ll let ourselves be carried along under sail, with the engine switched off, feeling the sea close by and the wind in our face. Flow with the wind and the sea.
– On deck, we’ll practise conscious breathing and meditation to cultivate mindfulness.
– Tea on board and time to enjoy the voyage.
– Arrival at destination: being aware of the earth beneath your feet, breathing in the sea breeze, will help us connect to the yoga practice.
– We’ll have time to walk along the beach, swim, sunbathe or relax on deck.

Recommended material:
Yoga mat. If you don’t have one, we can supply one (request in advance)
Closed footwear for safe deck walking (booties, sports shoes with light-coloured rubber soles. Dark-soled shoes are not allowed on board).
Swimwear, raincoat, comfortable clothes for practice and clothes that protect you from the wind and keep you warm in cool weather.
Sunglasses with neck strap, cap, towel, high protection sun cream.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 170 €
8 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Bajo petición y según disponibilidad.


www. / experiencias/ / +986 442351 Es necesario el pago del total, puedes hacerlo a través de la web, por transferencia bancaria o en nuestra oficina con tarjeta de crédito o débito (no aceptamos AMEX). Política de reservas y cancelaciones: Consulta