Galicia Destino Sostible

Rediscover the Rías Baixas by Sailboat

The Rías Baixas from the sea.
Embark on a 5-day journey by sailboat across the stunning Rías Baixas, uncovering the best hidden coves that are unreachable by land.
We will reach the Cíes and Ons Islands and adventure through their hillsides with brief, pleasant walks; and naturally, we will indulge in delicious seafood, complemented with top-tier wine, all while enjoying the most breathtaking views and sunsets that will leave you spellbound.
This route is all about sea, beach, landscapes, and nature, and of course, the best Galician food and drinks, all combined with plenty of fun.
We will navigate through the estuaries of Vigo, Pontevedra, and Arousa, visiting the Cíes, Ons, and secluded coves, as well as participating in very special activities on both sea and land.
The sailboat will be arranged through Bluscus Turismo Marinero.
The price includes 5 days (4 nights) in the Rías Baixas on a sailboat captained by an expert skipper. A lavish seafood banquet and welcome wine aboard the craft. Guidance, assistance, and expenses of the trip coordinator. Fuel for the boat, if needed. A photographic report of the trip. Travel insurance: basic and health – COVID. All the adventures and memories you will forge on this incredible journey. Prices are per person. VAT is included.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 669 €
7 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

El precio incluye 5 días (4 noches) en las Rías Baixas en velero con patrón experto. Mariscada a lo grande y vino de bienvenida a bordo de la embarcación. Acompañamiento, asistencia y gastos del coordinador/a de viaje. Gasolina de la embarcación, de ser necesario. Reportaje fotográfico del viaje. Seguro de viaje asistencia básica y médico – COVID. Todas las aventuras y recuerdos que vivirás en este increíble viaje. Precios indicados por persona. IVA incluido.
