Galicia Destino Sostible

Combine the Natural Wealth of the Eume with the Seafaring Culture of Redes

The starting point is the Marine Environment Interpretation Centre in Cabanas (A Coruña), a meeting point for citizens and visitors on the theme of maritime culture and the natural wealth of the marine environment of the area.

In a visit lasting around half an hour, we’ll learn about the marine heritage elements in the coastal area and the river, becoming aware of the repercussions of climate change, reducing impact on the territory, the efficient use of marine biological resources – the sustainable development of rivers and seas in general.

Next, we’ll embark at the port of Cabanas on a 100% electric and 100% accessible catamaran to explore the Eume river as far as the Fragas do Eume interpretation centre, as well as the ria and its shellfish bank. After passing the stone bridge at Pontedeume, we’ll coast to the mythical port of Redes.
This multi-sensation on-board activity is combined with an immersive experience, which is accessible to all and you won’t even get wet. With virtual reality glasses to demonstrate the possibilities of using technology to observe nature, you can discover through a 360° virtual tour what diving is like in this environment, which is as amazing as it is unknown. We’ll discover other worlds with profiles that alternate between the natural, its inhabitants and significant rocky shallows, sand and seaweed beds, and the artificial, with major built-up coastal spaces. It allows us to observe, learn about and understand terrestrial and marine biodiversity, whose conservation is essential for our well-being and the health of our planet.

We’ll disembark again at the fully accessible port of Cabanas.

The experience, including the presentation at the Marine Environment Interpretation Centre, lasts between two-and-a-half and three hours, and includes a sustainable souvenir related to the environment, so nobody forgets the experience.

Inclusive experiences, 100% accessible and 100% sustainable, where everyone can participate. In adverse weather conditions, another day will be arranged at no extra charge. No previous sailing experience is required; on the contrary, it’s suitable for everyone, the only thing you need is a jacket in case it gets cool during the sailing. The experience is designed for a maximum of six people, minimum of four, without mixing groups, i.e. all the people participating in the experience know each other.
The most efficient way to book is to call us beforehand at 637590660 or 630402307, in order to find the most suitable day due to weather conditions and arrange schedules since we depend on the tides. You can also contact us and book by e-mail at In any case you can check our website, where you’ll find more information:
For groups of more than six people, please contact us about combining the experiences, so that no one is left ashore without enjoying a memorable experience.
Pets are welcome.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 52 €
6 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Experiencias inclusivas, 100% accesible y 100% sostenibles, todas las personas pueden participar. En caso de condiciones meteorológicas no óptimas, se buscará otro día sin suplemento alguno. No se precisa ninguna experiencia previa de navegación, todo lo contrario, apto para todas las personas, lo único que se precisa es una chaqueta por si durante la navegación refrescara. La experiencia está diseñada para un máximo de 6 personas, mínimo de 4, sin mezclar grupos, es decir que todas las personas que participen en la experiencia se conocen.


Lo más eficiente es antes de reservar llamarnos por teléfono al 637590660 o 630402307, con el fin de buscar el día más idóneo por condiciones meteorológicas y determinar los horarios ya que dependemos de las mareas. También se nos puede consultar y reservar por mail a En todo caso puedes consultar nuestra web, dónde encontrarás más información: En caso de grupos superiores a 6 personas, consultarnos para combinar las experiencias, sin que nadie se quede en tierra sin disfrutar de una experiencia memorable. Si tienes mascota, contamos con ella.