Galicia Destino Sostible

Xacobean Nautical Journey Ria de Arousa

A unique and different way of going on a pilgrimage to Santiago is by sea on a sailing boat, echoing the voyage undertaken by the remains of Saint James the Apostle centuries ago. The Maritime Route of the Ria de Muros e Noia is a new officially recognised way to obtain the Compostela while visiting the most iconic seafaring spots of the Rías Baixas. The main requirement is the voyage must cover a minimum of 90 nautical miles and you must stamp your credential at all ports along the route with a minimum of two stamps per day. Finally, to complete the route you’ll have to walk the last 7 km of the Portuguese Route from the town of Bertamiráns and get a stamp in the chapel of the same name, as well as in the pilgrim’s office once you reach the Galician capital.

Three-day Xacobean Nautical Journey Ria de Arousa: three nights on board a sailing boat + ascent of the Ulla river by motorboat (ninety minutes) and one day of walking (7 km from Milladoiro to Santiago). Departing from the port of Vigo and arriving at the port of Boiro or Vilagarcía de Arousa, three-day sail (90 nautical miles) visiting the rias of Vigo, Pontevedra and Arousa. The final day you will go up the river Ulla by motorboat and walk the last 7 km between Milladoiro and Santiago de Compostela.

Embarkation day – We welcome the pilgrim at the port de Vigo – Real Club Náutico de Vigo. Depending on the time of arrival, pilgrims can settle on the boat, leave their luggage on board and spend the day getting to know the city, its old town, the port area, the main streets or even take a guided tour.
Night spent moored in the port of Vigo on board sailing boat.

First day of sailing – (20 / 25 miles). The Sailing Route begins: we’ll leave Vigo en route to Baiona (official port of departure; Monte Real Club de Yates de Baiona). Stop to stamp our credentials in Cangas and explore this fishing village (ninety-minute stop). We embark on our journey to the Cíes Islands (Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park) and lunch anchored in this unparalleled paradise. Sunset sailing to dock in the town of Baiona, where we’ll stamp our credentials and spend the night. Dinner at leisure (not included).
Night spent moored in the port of Baiona on board sailing boat.

Second day of sailing – (26 / 30 miles). We leave Baiona for the Ons Islands (Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park), stop for lunch and try its famous gastronomy. In the afternoon we’ll stop at Sanxenxo (hour and a half stop) to get our credentials stamped and take a walk. In the evening we’ll set off for Portonovo to spend the night. Dinner at leisure (not included).
Night spent moored in the port of Portonovo on board sailing boat.

Third day of sailing – (30 / 35 miles). We leave Portonovo for San Vicente do Mar (O Grove) to stamp our credentials and take a stroll through this beautiful coastal area (ninety-minute stop). Sailing into the Ria de Arousa, from our boat we’ll observe the Rúa and the Xidoiro Areoso islets and Arousa island, where we’ll anchor and have a picnic lunch on board. In the afternoon we’ll stop at the port of Vilanova de Arousa in Vilagarcía de Arousa to stamp our credentials (one hour), and in the evening we’ll sail to the port of Cabo de Cruz (Boiro) where’ll we’ll spend the night (or vice versa). Dinner at leisure (not included)
Night spent moored in the port of Cabo de Cruz or Vilanova de Arousa on board sailing boat.

Fourth day: Sail up the river and hike to Santiago (Sail up the river Ulla 12 miles + 7 km walking). We’ll disembark and go by a smaller boat up the river Ulla: ‘La Traslatio’ (12 miles – one-hour sail), which will leave us in Pontecesures (3 km from Padrón). At this point the pilgrim can choose between walking the last 25 km of the Camino de Santiago just where the boat leaves us in Pontecesures, or walk the mandatory last 7 km from Milladoiro (from Pontecesures to Milladoiro is by car).
Optional: Walk 25 km from Padrón to Santiago de Compostela (last stretch of the Portuguese Route) so that from the moment you embark until arriving in Santiago de Compostela, you don’t use any roads.
What’s included in the price:

Sailing trip with skipper (the skipper acts as a guide on board).
Accommodation on board during the crossing and the day before departure. Shared cabins.
Bottom sheets and pillows in cabins. Don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag!
Vessel insurance.
Moorings in ports.
Visit and anchoring permits in the Cíes and Ons – Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park.
Breakfast and snacks on board (for evening meals you have the choice of eating out as we always sleep berthed in port or of making use of the galley on board).
Snacks (nuts, fruit), water on board.
Going up the river Ulla from Pontecesures to Padrón by motorboat.
Pilgrim’s Credential.
What’s NOT included in the price:

Accompanying guide (the skipper acts as a guide on board and helps you with everything during the sailing and the days you spend on board with us).
Hotel accommodation in case you prefer to spend the night in a hotel instead of on the boat.
Transfers to port of departure (Vigo) and Santiago de Compostela from where you are staying.
Transfers from the last port (Boiro) to the town of Milladoiro in Santiago to walk the final 7 km of the Camino (€50 extra by taxi).
Luggage transport.
Hotel in Santiago de Compostela (in case you stay overnight in Santiago at the end of the route).
Optional extras:

Taxi and/or luggage service from Boiro to Santiago: €60 for a maximum of four persons and/or four pieces of luggage.
Shuttle service from Vigo to Santiago or vice versa: €180 for every six persons.
Shuttle service from Oporto to Vigo or vice versa: €200 for every six persons.
Halfway accommodation in hostels or hotels, please contact us.

The rules approved by the Cathedral Chapter of the Cathedral of Santiago to obtain the Compostela following the sea route (Xacobean Nautical Journey) are:

This Pilgrim’s Credential is only for pilgrims who do the Camino de Santiago by sailing the Xacobean Nautical Journey, with a Christian purpose, even if only in the spirit of searching. The aim of the Credential is to distinguish pilgrims.

The Compostela is granted only to those who undertake the pilgrimage with a Christian purpose – devotionis affectu, voti ve/ pietatis causa (through devotion, vows or piety) – and only to those who reach the Tomb of the Apostle, sailing 90 nautical miles and walking the final 12 km between the town of Bertamiráns and Santiago de Compostela.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 935 €
8 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

En julio y agosto hay un extra de +190€ IVA incluido. Para grupos más grandes se puede organizar en varios barcos. Posibilidad de personalizar el viaje. El alojamiento a bordo es en camarote doble compartido. El plus por utilizar camarote individual es de 300€ + iva. En cada velero podrán alojarse un máximo de 6 u 8 personas dependiendo del velero disponible + patrón o guía. Grupo mínimo de personas 6 para que se lleve a cabo la travesía. También puedes alquilar tu velero en exclusiva y hacer la travesía a tu manera y en la fecha que más te apetezca, solo tienes que consultar precio y disponibilidad de barco, nosotros te facilitamos toda la ruta e indicaciones, incluso la puedes hacer sin patrón y llevar tú el barco si dispones de titulación. Para confirmar se requiere el pago del 30% en el momento de hacer la reserva. El 70% restante del pago se tiene que formalizar un mes antes de la fecha de salida (inicio de la travesía) Hasta 30 días antes de la fecha de salida se penaliza con el pago del 30% del total del alquiler. Menos de 30 días de la fecha de alquiler se penaliza con el pago del 100% del total del alquiler. Sailway se reserva el derecho de cancelación del la Travesía Náutica Xacobea por condiciones meteorológicas adversas (aviso de temporal), en dicho caso, se devolvería el 100% del importe entregado o se efectuará un cambio de fecha para realizar la travesía (a elección del cliente) La ruta puede sufrir modificaciones por cuestiones climatológicas


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