Galicia Destino Sostible

A Sea of Experiences in the Biosphere Reserve

We’ll set off from the port of Ares on a silent, zero-emission, electric catamaran at the agreed time (the only conditioning factor is the tide, hence the need to telephone to organise the experience).
We’ll go close to As Mirandas beach to observe the cliffs, the birds and the mouth to the Atlantic (view of A Marola island and the Tower of Hercules). We’ll sail to the mussel beds of Lorbé, and with augmented reality glasses, we can observe (with audio description) the seabed in 360° without the need to dive.
We’ll sail to A Ponte do Porco, and, weather permitting, take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of Punta Xurela before entering its grottoes, spectacular places only accessible by sea. Again, we’ll observe the seabed with 360° augmented reality glasses.
We’ll head for the sea farms and former salt flats of O Pedrido and Pazo de Mariñán, searching for the right moment and place to taste certified seasonal products from the area on board.
We’ll go up the river Mandeo as far as Betanzos, discovering the beauty and magic of the river and spotting the birds that live there. We’re sailing in a Special Area of Conservation (Natura 2000); we’re the only ones authorised to enjoy the special features awaiting us in these places, given the characteristics of the boat.
We’ll reach Betanzos, with two complementary, mutually compatible options to choose from: going on a guided tour through the old town (or the route of ‘A Moa e o Pan’ for those who already know the old town of Betanzos) and/or lunch/snack/dinner in a certified restaurant of As Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve.
The voyage to Betanzos is estimated to last approximately between three and three and a half hours.
If you’ve left your means of transport at the port of Ares, we’ll provide an alternative one (accessible of course).

Inclusive experiences, 100% accessible, where everyone can participate. In adverse weather conditions, another day will be arranged at no extra charge. No previous sailing experience is required; on the contrary, it’s suitable for everyone, the only thing you need is a jacket in case it gets cool during the sailing. The experience is designed for a maximum of six people, minimum of four, without mixing groups, i.e. all the people participating in the experience know each other.

What makes an experience sustainable?

From 90 €
6 People Min.
Reservation conditions:

Experiencias inclusivas, 100% accesible, todas las personas pueden participar. En caso de condiciones meteorológicas no óptimas, se buscará otro día sin suplemento alguno. No se precisa ninguna experiencia previa de navegación, todo lo contrario, apto para todas las personas, lo único que se precisa es una chaqueta por si durante la navegación refrescara. La experiencia está diseñada para un máximo de 6 personas, mínimo de 4, sin mezclar grupos, es decir que todas las personas que participen en la experiencia se conocen.


por teléfono a 637590660 o 630402307 http://